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Throughout my online and face-to-face coaching, I have come across a lot of reasons why people can't do what they want.

With most clients trying to balance a business and a family life, time is valuable. The daily to do list is forever growing and your own #fitness and #nutrition will start to move further down that list.

So here are my 5 top ways to help you fit everything in

1. Add your #training time into your diary so you have it scheduled it into your week. If you find the evenings are too busy, get up earlier and train in the morning, then the only reason you will not do it, is yourself.

2. Bring your kids with you whilst you train, find somewhere you can train that allows you to bring your children.

3. Have a training programme made for you so that you can train at home. You don't need any equipment to train you just need somewhere you can go for a little time away to get something done. Remember it's all about consistency of doing something rather than doing nothing.

4. Increase your #TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) by going for a walk, run or bike the school run, work, errands etc, leave the car at home or when you are out take the stairs instead of the lift.

5. If all else fails take some time out and do something active with your child/children.

At Lowden Coaching we want to ensure we help you achieve your goals physically and mentally whilst ensuring you have important family time. I look forward to talking to you about them and how we can go about achieving them together. If you want to discuss this in more detail and feel my support will help you achieve your goals, whether that be in fitness, nutrition or mindset coaching then please get in contact with me at #TeamLowden.

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