Can you achievour goals without a coach? If YES, whats stopping you?I’ve always been active, playing rugby, training in the gym and started CrossFit in 2013. I moved to leyland in 2015 and joined Crossfit Leyland.
I’ve always been active, playing rugby, training in the gym and started CrossFit in 2013. I moved to leyland in 2015 and joined Crossfit Leyland.
I have battled with anxiety and depression since I was 20 with the majority of this time using antidepressants. Exercise has always helped and I feel is key to managing mental health conditions but I always had an inconsistent relationship with training and would self-sabotage and have periods of non-training.
In 2016, my mental health “came to a head” and I had a breakdown, not being able to see a way out or move forward **enter coach Lowden! and #teamlowden**

At first our #PT sessions were to get me out of the house .. they gave me a reason, a focus, accountability and I didn’t want to let him down!
For the first time in my life my training wasn’t about “losing weight” or being as “thin” as possible it was just about my mind, my health, i couldn’t focus on anything else. I was also at my heaviest at 86kg and had gone into a size 16 clothes so I found it an extra challenge just to move myself around.
PT sessions and CrossFit became my therapy, I knew that whatever I had going on, by midweek, I would feel better after “checking in” with Chris. I never forget the toughest sessions and there’s always sessions that were significant and changed my mindset and helped me to cope. There’s been tears and a lot of sweat!
There’s nothing like getting things off your chest whilst carrying 2 x 24 kg kettle bells 400metres!
Whilst there’s always skill, technique, strength and fitness to focus on and a couple of competitions along the way, Chris has always geared my sessions to switching off, pushing me to threshold and places I didn’t think I could go to and JUST KEEP MOVING!
Training helps me clear my mind and, as I like to put it, keeps the “brain volume turned down”
Fast forward almost 2 years and i’m still training consistently, I’m in a new relationship, I’m about to work abroad and I’m 12kg lighter, 2 dress sizes smaller and I’m starting to get accidental abs! The most important thing for me though is that I’m no longer on medication and that is huge!

I feel physically and mentally strong .. I think of how far I’ve come, how close I was to giving up on life let alone anything else and I can push myself because all I need to do is .. JUST KEEP MOVING!
I can’t thank or recommend #LowdenCoaching enough!
At Lowden Coaching we want to ensure we help you achieve your goals Physically and Mentally. I look forward to talking to you about them and how we can go about achieving them together. If you want to discuss this in more detail and feel my support will help you achieve your goals, whether that be in fitness, nutrition or mindset coaching then please get in contact with me at #TeamLowden.